CFP: 1st Bangor PG Conference on Bilingualism and Bimodalism

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Thu Jun 4 17:30:31 UTC 2009

Via Lgpolicy List...

1st Bangor PG Conference on Bilingualism and Bimodalism
Short Title: BBBC

Date: 02-Oct-2009 - 03-Oct-2009
Location: Bangor, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Ryuichiro Hirata
Meeting Email:
Web Site: <> 

Call Deadline: 22-Jun-2009

Meeting Description:

The 1st Bangor Postgraduate Conference on Bilingualism and Bimodalism
will be an
opportunity for postgraduates studying in the UK working on linguistic aspects
of bilingualism and bimodalism to present their research and findings, and to
come into contact with new ideas relevant to their work. The event
will be truly
bimodal and biingual by the provision of English-BSL interpreters for the
duration of the conference - enabling Deaf and hearing participants to fully
engage in all conference activities.

Second Call for Papers

The Committee invites submissions for presentations and posters on the subjects
of bilingualism and bimodalism, which can include the disciplines of
linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, education, sociology, & Deaf studies,
though their relevance to language must be explicit. Abstracts of 300 words
maximum (see abstract submission guidelines for more information) on any of the
above topics are required.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 22 June 2009

Submission Guidelines:

-Abstracts should be submitted electronically to

-Abstracts should be no more than 300 words either in MS Word, Rich
Text Format,
or PDF file. The font used should not be smaller
than Times New Roman 12 pts.

-The abstract document should include:

1.Title of the paper
2. List of 3-5 keywords
3. Main body of the abstract
4. Brief list of references

-The word limit (300 words) only applies to the main body of the abstract.
Please do not include your name or other identifying information in your
abstract (Submissions will be reviewed anonymously).

-The body of the email message should contain:

1. Title of the paper
2. Author's name
3. Academic affiliation

-All abstracts are automatically considered for oral presentation. If you
would prefer to present a poster instead, please indicate this in the
body of email.

-Author(s) will be notified if their abstract has been accepted for oral
or poster presentation by July 17th 2009.

If you have any queries, please email

Invited Speakers:

Marianne Gullberg (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Ineke Mennen (Bangor University)
Adam Schembri (DCAL at University College London).

Oral Presentations will be 15 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for
Posters should be 120 cm wide or less (A0 or smaller).

Key Dates:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 22 June 2009
Notification of successful papers/posters: 17 July 2009
Early Registration (£30): 20 July - 31 August 2009
Late Registration (£40): 1 - 31 September 2009

For further information, please see our website: <>

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