CFP: Conference of The Applied Linguistics Associations of NZ and AUS

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Wed Jun 10 16:00:10 UTC 2009


1st Combined Conference of The Applied Linguistics Associations of NZ and Australia

AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand

2-4 December, 2009


Call for papers, colloquia and posters:

Conference theme: Participation and acquisition: Exploring these metaphors in Applied Linguistics. 

A number of current debates in applied linguistics centre on Sfard's distinction between 'participation' (i.e. the idea that language use and language learning should be viewed as essentially a social phenomenon) and 'acquisition' (i.e. the idea that language use and language learning are best viewed in terms of cognitive processes). This conference invites papers that investigate either one or 
both of these metaphors.  It also welcomes papers in any area of applied linguistics that fit broadly with this theme. This will include, amongst others, critical applied language studies, research in language testing, language policy, discourse analysis and language teacher education.

We are inviting proposals for individual papers of 30 minutes (including discussion) and proposals for colloquia (2 hours maximum). We also invite proposals for posters. 



Abstract submission                                                                                                     
ALANZ/ALAA welcomes abstracts for individual papers, colloquia and posters. We also especially welcome abstracts from emerging researchers, such as Masters and PhD students. 

The deadline for abstract submission is July 31st 2009. Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged. Notification of status of abstracts is scheduled for early Sept. 

Abstracts for individual papers (30 minutes duration including discussion) and posters 

Please send abstracts to alanz-alaa at   Please indicate in the subject line of the email the category you are submitting to (e.g. individual paper or poster). Submissions must be in a single file which is word-compatible and must include the following in the order given:


Title of paper, name of presenter(s) and affiliation 

Contact information (email/fax no./tel. no./mailing address) 

50 word bio-data summary of presenter(s) 


On a separate page

Title plus 300 word abstract (used to assess the suitability of the paper) 

50 word summary (for the conference programme) 

Please do not include your name on this page as it will be sent out for blind review. 

Abstracts for colloquia
Please send abstracts to alanz-alaa at  Please indicate in the subject line of the email the category you are submitting to (i.e. colloquium). Submissions must be in a single file which is word-compatible and must include the following in the order given:


Title of colloquium 

Name of presenters and their affiliation 

Contact information of colloquium organiser (email/fax no./tel. no./mailing address) 

50 word bio-data summary of all presenters 


On a separate page

Title of colloquium plus 500 word abstract summary of the whole colloquium (used to assess the suitability of the colloquium) 

50 word summaries of individual papers comprising the colloquium (for the conference programme) 


Please do not include any names on this page as it will be sent out for blind review.

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