CFP: Advising for language learner autonomy

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Mon Feb 14 18:22:51 UTC 2011


Advising for language learner autonomy 


Kanda University of International Studies and the IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group (LASIG) are delighted to announce that they will be holding a conference in Japan in November, 2011.  This event has also been organized in collaboration with the Japan Association for Self-access Learning (JASAL), Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages (KIFL) and the JALT Learner Development SIG. 
The theme of the one day conference will be "Advising for language learner autonomy" and will be of particular interest to language educators working as learning advisors, or teachers who are concerned with promoting language learner autonomy. The event theme also covers peer advising with a particular focus on the way in which peer advising fosters learner autonomy.  The event will include presentations on the following themes related to advising in language learning:

1. Training and professional development
2. Research and practice
3. Peer advising
4. Advising tools
5. Dialogue and discourse
6. Context-related issues

For more information:

Invited speaker: Dr. Marina Mozzon-McPherson, University of Hull, UK. 

Deadline for proposals: June 30 2011 

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