Book: Literacy Practices in Transition: Perspectives from the Nordic Countries

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Mon Dec 3 19:35:02 UTC 2012

Language Research from the Nordic Region
27 November 2012

We publish books based on research from all over the world, from
Australia to Estonia, Mozambique to Canada but recently we have
published several books stemming from studies from the Nordic region.
This month we’ve published Literacy Practices in Transition:
Perspectives from the Nordic Countries edited by Anne Pitkänen-Huhta
and Lars Holm. This book brings together Nordic researchers working on
different aspects of literacy, multilingualism and the changing living
and learning environments, and initiates and promotes critical
research on literacy practices in the Nordic countries. The book
challenges the current practice of standardising language and literacy
education and calls for the development of language and literacy
policies to be tailored to the needs of the individuals involved.
Leena Helavaara Robertson of Middlesex University, UK calls the book
“an essential read” and “an innovative book.” The book is being
launched next week at the University of Jyväskylä.

In February 2013 we are also publishing Revitalising Indigenous
Languages: How to Recreate a Lost Generation by Marja-Liisa Olthuis,
Suvi Kivelä and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas. This volume explores the
Indigenous Aanaar Saami language (which has around 350 speakers) and
cultural revitalisation in Finland. The book gives practical examples
and a theoretical frame of reference for how to plan, organise and
implement an intensive language programme. It is due to be published
to coincide with the Sami National Day on 6th February 2013.

In the past few years we have also published the following books
related to the Nordic region:

    Multilingual Urban Scandinavia edited by Pia Quist and Bente Ailin Svendsen
    Uniformity and Diversity in Language Policy edited by Catrin
Norrby and John Hajek
    Language and Learning in the International University edited by
Bent Preisler et al

You can find further details about all these titles on our website or
email us at: info at
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