Lecturer Position in TESOL and Applied Linguistics at Teachers College, Columbia University

Hansun Zhang Waring hz30 at columbia.edu
Fri Apr 25 09:52:45 UTC 2014

One-Year Lecturer Position Opening for Fall 2014
TESOL and Applied Linguistics
Teachers College, Columbia University
New York, New York
Lecturer of Language and Education
Position: The Applied Linguistics and TESOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, is seeking a Lecturer with demonstrated teaching experience and research interests in one or more of the following areas: second language acquisition, second language pedagogy, andpedagogical grammar. This is a one-year-term position that does not lead to tenure and isrenewable, subject to performance review and program needs.
Responsibilities: Candidates should have the ability to teach courses in the following areas: second language acquisition (SLA), teaching practicum, or pedagogical English grammar. The teaching load is five courses per academic year. Candidates might also be asked to teach one course during a summer session for extra pay. Candidates will need to advise M.A. students, serve on dissertation committees, participate in routine program administrative activities, and build or maintain an active research and professional profile in TESOL and Applied Linguistics.
Qualifications: Earned doctorate in TESOL, Applied Linguistics, SLA or a closely related field, and evidence of scholarship potential in one of the three areas mentioned above. Candidate must have a record of successful ESL and/or EFL teaching experience, a demonstrated record of graduate level teaching, emerging evidence of service to the field of TESOL or Applied Linguistics, the ability to perform administrative duties, and the ability to work collaboratively.
To apply: Please submit your cover letter, detailing how you meet the qualifications for the position, a teaching philosophy and CV at the following link on the TC Employment website:
Lecturer of Language and Education
In addition, please have three letters of reference e-mailed by the referees to Dr. Han at:tesolsearch at tc.columbia.edu. Please ask that they put “TESOL/AL Lecturer Position 2014” in the subject line of their emails
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Professor ZhaoHong Han
Search Committee Chair
The Applied Linguistics and TESOL Program, Box 66
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027-6061 USA

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