[Edling] Language Policy book reviews

Bagna, Carla bagna at unistrasi.it
Wed Mar 25 13:39:37 UTC 2015

Dear Sarah
I'm interesting in the book of Liddicoat

Many thanks
Carla Bagna


Prof.ssa Carla Bagna, Phd.
Direttrice Centro CLUSS
Università per Stranieri di Siena
Piazza Rosselli 27-28
53100 Siena
Tel. +39 0577 240142
Fax. +39 02 700436477
bagna at unistrasi.it
bagnaunistrasi at gmail.com

Skype cabagna

The University for Foreigners of Siena has been assessed and certified as
meeting the requirements of *ISO 9001 / UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 *for the
following activities "Design and provision of graduate and post graduate
educational services"; "Courses of Italian Language"; "CILS Certification"

2015-03-23 14:38 GMT+01:00 Sarah Moore <SMoore at cal.org>:

>  Dear Colleagues,
> As co-editor of book reviews for *Language Policy*, I am currently
> seeking reviewers for the books listed below. If you are interested, please
> contact me directly at smoore at cal.org indicating the title and your
> preferred mailing address.
>  Reviews should be no longer than 1,000 words in length and are generally
> due no more than 3 months after receipt of the book. Editorial guidelines
> and more details about the journal can be found at:
> http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/linguistics/journal/10993
>  Please also note our policy of only one review per person per year. If
> you have written a review for us recently, kindly hold off this time.
>  Thank you and best wishes,
>  Sarah C. K. Moore
> *Books for Review:*
>  Liddicoat, A. J. (2013). *Language-in-education policies. The Discursive
> Construction of Intercultural Relations.* Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
>  Olthuis, M.-L., Kivelä, S. and Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2013). *Revitalising
> Indigenous Languages: How to Recreate a Lost Generation*. Bristol:
> Multilingual Matters.
>  Orelus, P. (ed.). (2013). *Affirming language diversity in schools and
> society <http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415824828/>.* New
> York: Routledge.
> *Sarah Catherine K. Moore, Ph.D.*
> *Program Director*
> *Center for Applied Linguistics*
> *4646 40th St. NW*
> *Washington, DC 20016*
> *202-355-1546 <202-355-1546>*
> *smoore at cal.org <smoore at cal.org>*
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