[Edling] How to put some Romansh into your life

Francis Hult francis.hult at englund.lu.se
Sat Jan 30 10:46:13 UTC 2016

The Guardian

How to put some Romansh into your life

If French, Spanish and Italian aren’t challenging enough, here are some tips about learning a minority, endangered or little-taught language...

Under-resourced languages such as minority languages (spoken by a minority of the population of a territory, such as Romansh in Switzerland, Moldovan in Ukraine and Galician in Spain), endangered languages (like Ainu, a Japanese dialect considered one of the world’s rarest and most threatened) and languages that simply fail to generate enough interest to merit adequate learning tools, may initially seem like a huge task to take on.

This should not be a reason to give up on your goal, though. From thinking critically about your reasons for learning, to scouting out websites that suit your preferred learning style, here are some ideas than might help you along the way.

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