[Edling] Linguistic Ethnography Forum e-seminar, 1-22 June (and recruitment drive)

Dave Sayers dave.sayers at cantab.net
Fri May 5 14:21:48 UTC 2017

Hello one and all,

The Linguistic Ethnography Forum is a special interest group of the British 
Association of Applied Linguistics, and each year we have a big exciting online 
discussion, the e-seminar, centred around a key academic publication and facilitated 
by leading scholars in the field. We also take the opportunity to recruit new 
members. Joining the LEF is completely free, and all are welcome!

This year's e-seminar will run from the 1st to the 22nd June, focused around the 
following paper: "Learning Safely from error? Re-considering the ethics of 
simulation-based medical education through ethnography", published in Ethnography and 
Education 11.3 (2016). Thanks to the publisher's and editor's agreement, this will be 
made freely available in time for the e-seminar, via the LEF email list.

All LEF members are encouraged to read the paper and contribute to the discussion on 
the list. During and after the e-seminar, the list remains a great place to discuss 
all things linguistic ethnography! So, to enjoy all this and more, sign up now! 

For more information about the LEF and our other activities, you can visit our main 
website: http://www.lingethnog.org/.

And please forward this on to anyone else who might be interested :)

All the best,

Dr. Dave Sayers, ORCID no. 0000-0003-1124-7132
Senior Lecturer, Dept Humanities, Sheffield Hallam University | www.shu.ac.uk
Honorary Research Fellow, Cardiff University & WISERD | www.wiserd.ac.uk
dave.sayers at cantab.net | http://shu.academia.edu/DaveSayers
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