[Edling] CFP: Translanguaging in the Age of Mobility: European Perspectives

Francis Hult francis.hult at englund.lu.se
Fri Jul 5 11:00:04 UTC 2019

Translanguaging in the Age of Mobility: European Perspectives

Call for chapter proposals

*apologies for cross-posting*

We are pleased to invite chapter proposals for a forthcoming volume to be published by Multilingual Matters in 2021, focusing on translanguaging in the age of mobility in the European context. The 2015 surge of migration in Europe has resulted in new challenges and opportunities across public institutions, including schools as well as healthcare, the legal system, and immigration services. Mobility (e.g. due to economic migration, “love” migration, refugee status) affects the school as well as the individual, home setting, and workplace. Mobility may be related to language policy, language ideology, media discourse, linguistic citizenship, linguistic landscaping, and multilingual pedagogies.  While translanguaging research has often been limited to the classroom, we see it as a useful concept and theory for contexts both within and outside of school. Focusing on translanguaging in an age of mobility is timely, appropriate, relevant and exciting–and we expect this edited volume will contribute new knowledge to the field.

We welcome your abstract for a proposed contribution. Both conceptual and empirical studies are welcome. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following areas of focus:

●      The individual and translanguaging

(e.g. generations, family language policy, narratives, language brokering)

●      Education and translanguaging

(e.g. all education levels and ages (preschool to adults), language testing, extramural language use/learning, literacy, classroom practices, teacher education, open preschool/play groups, newly arrived students, learning)

●      Policy and translanguaging

(e.g. language planning, language ideologies, language practices, ideological and implementational spaces)

●      Workplace and translanguaging

(e.g. integration, interaction/s, validation of earlier work experience, career changes, gaining employment)

●      Healthcare and translanguaging

(e.g. institutional contact, antenatal/postnatal care, old age care, dis/ability, psychological care, trauma, emergency services)

●      Media and translanguaging

(e.g. news discourse, contact with media in other countries, digital media)

●      Immigration processes and translanguaging

(e.g. information access, asylum interviews, volunteers/officials, online and mobile communications of refugees, multilingualism from mobility, truncated multilingualism)

●      Citizenship and translanguaging

(e.g. democracy, information for newly arrived, linguistic citizenship, legal issues, nationalism, borders)

●      General themes (separate or within a specific theme above)

(e.g. language resources, hierarchies, linguistic landscapes, language orientations, language access, language awareness, transnational spaces, safe spaces, social justice, mobility, legitimacy, digital tools)

Guidelines for the abstract:

●      State the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s) and contact details at the top of the page.

●      The abstract should include the aim of the chapter, the theoretical orientation (included literature), the methodology, the (expected) main results and conclusions. The abstract must have a clear connection to both translanguaging and mobility, as well as the European context.

●      Language: English

●      Length: 500-600 words (not including references, no more than 3 or 4 key references)

●      Times New Roman, 12 point, single-spaced

●      Please follow APA 6th Edition for references

●      Include a short bio, max 50 words, for each author

You are welcome to submit an abstract for a single- or co-authored chapter. Guidelines for the full draft will be sent with the acceptance notifications.

Please send your abstract as a Word document to BethAnne Paulsrud at byp at du.se<mailto:byp at du.se>.

Please note our planned timeline:


• September 30th: Abstracts due


• April 1st: First full draft of chapter (about 75%)

• September 1st: Full draft of chapter due


• February 1st: Final draft of chapter due

• October: Book launch at the 4th international conference on translanguaging at Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Send your queries to BethAnne Paulsrud at byp at du.se<mailto:byp at du.se>.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes from the editors,

BethAnne Paulsrud, Dalarna University

Jenny Rosén, Stockholm University

Boglárka Straszer, Dalarna University

Åsa Wedin, Dalarna University

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