[Edling] B-MEIS Webinar: Hip-Hop and Translanguaging: Negotiated Community Participation on Dec. 9 at 1 pm ET

Zhongfeng Tian zhongfeng.tian at utsa.edu
Tue Oct 20 02:41:52 UTC 2020

Date: December 9, 1-2 pm (Eastern time)/10 - 11 am (Pacific time)

Title: Hip-Hop and Translanguaging: Negotiated Community Participation

Registration link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrc-2qpz0pG9H6QXIwpAfx9A6s3CogvtQK

Learn more at myTESOL event: https://my.tesol.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=85a1e980-bb8c-4d19-881b-94416f3b8a54&Home=%2fevents%2ftesol-events


This panel brings together a group of critical scholars who look at the intersection of hip-hop and translanguaging scholarship. Drawing upon their own experience as a hip-hop artist and/or scholar-activist and work with people from language-minoritized groups in different regions of the world ¨C Hong Kong, U.S., South Korea, and Serbia, panelists (Chang, Im, and Schreiber) will discuss how individuals adopt and adapt hop-hop and translanguaging practices to participate in local and global communities with the purposes of amplifying their voices, expressing their multicultural and multilingual identities, and resisting the dominant ideologies and discourses. Panelists will also offer implications on how hip-hop and translanguaging can be used as pedagogy in classrooms to promote bi/multilingualism and advance a social justice agenda. Our discussant, Angel Lin, will synthesize ideas and guide overall discussion to help develop further theoretical understanding, practical applications, and future pathways toward engaging in hip-hop and translanguaging as a form of negotiated community participation.

Benji Chang is Assistant Professor of Equity Education in the School of Education, and International & Global Studies, at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He is also Adjunct Faculty at the Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Chang¡¯s work focuses on teacher education, community engagement, and language, literacy and culture, with publications in venues like Linguistics & Education and Curriculum Inquiry. He currently serves on the Teachers College Record board and is Co-Editor of Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. Prior to UNCG, he was a hip-hop artist, inner-city classroom teacher, and Fellow of NCTE and Teachers College, Columbia University.

Jae-hyun Im is a PhD candidate in the department of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education at Indiana University Bloomington. He is interested in translingualism, teacher identity, hip-hop-based education, and discursive psychology. His recent publications can be found in Applied Linguistics Review and Journal of Multicultural Discourses.

Brooke R. Schreiber is an Assistant Professor of English Department at Baruch College, CUNY, where she teaches courses in writing and linguistics. Her research focuses on second language writing, pedagogy, and teacher training, as well as global Englishes and translingualism. Her work has appeared in TESOL Quarterly, ELT Journal, the Journal of Second Language Writing, Composition Studies, and Language Learning and Technology. She is the co-editor of a forthcoming collection with Multilingual Matters on linguistic justice and multilingual writers.

Angel M. Y. Lin received her doctoral degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto in 1996. Her research and teaching have focused on critical discourse analysis, critical literacies, bilingual and multilingual education. She has published six research books and over 100 research articles and book chapters, and serves on the editorial boards of leading international research journals. She was a full professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong before moving in 2018 to Simon Fraser University to take up the position of Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Plurilingual and Intercultural Education.

Moderators: Xin Chen (Indiana University Bloomington) and Zhongfeng Tian (The University of Texas at San Antonio)

Zhongfeng Tian (ÌïÖзæ), Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of TESL Teacher Education/Applied Linguistics

The University of Texas at San Antonio

COEHD Bicultural Bilingual Std

zhongfeng.tian at utsa.edu

One UTSA Circle,

San Antonio, TX 78249-3209

Recent Publications:

Tian, Z., Aghai, L., Sayer, P., & Schissel, J. L. (Eds.) (2020). Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens: Global Perspectives.<https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030470302> Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. [available now!]

Paulsrud, B., Tian, Z., & Toth, J., (Eds.) (forthcoming; 2021). English-medium Instruction and Translanguaging<https://www.multilingual-matters.com/page/detail/?k=9781788927314>. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. [available for pre-order now!]

Tian, Z., & Shepard-Carey, L. (2020). (Re)imagining the Future of Translanguaging Pedagogies in TESOL through Teacher-Researcher Collaboration. TESOL Quarterly. DOI: 10.1002/tesq.614<https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tesq.614>

[cid:503086dc-76aa-4663-938f-e854cc8ccc4c]<https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030470302>    [cid:8e496169-dce0-4fac-b797-9635ab307b02] <https://www.multilingual-matters.com/page/detail/?k=9781788927314>
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