[Edling] Online Event | 17 May | Testing Disrupted: Assessment of English Learners Complicated by Pandemic

Francis M. Hult via Edling edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Tue May 10 01:03:29 UTC 2022

MPI Webinar

*Testing Disrupted: Assessment of English Learners Complicated by Pandemic*

* TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2022 *
*1:00 P.M. ET (New York, D.C.) / 12:00 P.M. CT (Chicago) / 11:00 A.M. MT
(Denver) / 10:00 A.M. PT (Los Angeles)*

*SPEAKERS: **H. Gary Cook*, Senior Director of Assessment, WIDA Consortium;
Associate Scientist, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of

*Ajit Gopalakrishnan*, Chief Performance Officer, Connecticut State
Department of Education

*Melissa Lazarin*, Senior Advisor for K-12 Policy, Migration Policy
Institute (MPI)

*Jorge Macias*, Chief of Language and Cultural Education, Chicago Public

*Delia Pompa*, Senior Fellow for Education Policy, MPI


In fall 2021, the educational experience for children changed dramatically,
with many returning to the classroom for the first time in more than a year
and a half. The nation’s 5 million English Learners (ELs) endured
disproportionate impacts during this pandemic-induced period of distance
learning due to a range of reasons, including gaps in digital access and
inadequate support in languages other than English.

The COVID-19 pandemic also challenged statewide assessment systems, in a
year when many students were not attending school in person and instruction
was of variable quality. Unsurprisingly, there were downward trends in
student performance visible across all students in English language arts,
math, and among ELs, English language development. But what have state
policymakers and school leaders learned from the 2020–21 state assessment
data? How are they coupling assessment data with other metrics to inform
investments and interventions that are personalized for ELs?

In a webinar marking the release of a report that examines ELs’ learning
experiences during the 2020-21 academic year and their performance and
participation in statewide testing, experts will offer their analysis of
states’ assessment data and how instructional challenges and the pandemic
affected the interpretation of these data. Speakers will also explore
challenges states faced and lessons learned in administering assessments
and how schools are using data to inform interventions and instruction this
year. Finally, they will share their perspective of how the pandemic might
change the approach states and districts take to measuring academic growth
and success.


For more information
<events at migrationpolicy.org>events at migrationpolicy.org | 202-266-1929





Migration Policy Institute
1275 K St. NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

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