[Edling] Virtual Book Launch Event "Developing Translanguaging Repertoires in Critical Teacher Education" (Sept. 28, 4-5:30 EST)

King, Nicole via Edling edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Thu Sep 14 13:39:51 UTC 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Zhongfeng Tian (Rutgers University - Newark) and I are excited to share this upcoming book launch event "Developing Translanguaging Repertoires in Critical Teacher Education", co-sponsored by AERA SIGs - Second Language Research (SLR) and Language and Social Processes (LSP), Rutgers University, and the University of Rochester. If you're interested in learning more about this work and chatting with the editors & authors, we welcome you to join us on September 28, 4 - 5:30 pm US eastern time. We have designed this event to be interactive and there'll be a book raffle in the end. More information is in the attached flyer (and below).

To register: https://rochester.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvd-2rqz0vHdCXyYy1UCLxwG3RrGg5W0Ux#/registration<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rochester.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvd-2rqz0vHdCXyYy1UCLxwG3RrGg5W0Ux*/registration__;Iw!!CGUSO5OYRnA7CQ!Yjrg66GLHutjakUNpFZb6c1QcaY1oIB5VE-BYna84Gd-5K_N30mabIPxgLDyDkgmb4BuPH0_RGU49WsA4rQWp59xqAunpk0Fn30$>

To learn more about this book: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110735604/html?lang=en<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110735604/html?lang=en__;!!CGUSO5OYRnA7CQ!Yjrg66GLHutjakUNpFZb6c1QcaY1oIB5VE-BYna84Gd-5K_N30mabIPxgLDyDkgmb4BuPH0_RGU49WsA4rQWp59xqAunwnURowQ$>


Please also feel free to share this event with your networks and communities. We're looking forward to seeing you there.


Nicole King

Nicole King, PhD


Assistant Professor of Multilingual Education

Director of TESOL and World Language (LOTE) Certification Programs

Warner School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester

Phone: 585.273.3341 (office) or 803.586.7487 (cell)

PI, Cultural, Pedagogical, & Linguistic Exchange (Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program)
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