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<h2 align="center">
AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education Policy<br>
Call for Applications</h2>
<p align="center">Updated Nov-03-2004</p>
With support from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
of the Institute
of Education Sciences and the National Science Foundation (NSF), the
AERA Grants Program
announces its AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education
Policy. The Institute's
goal is to help develop a critical mass of U.S. educational
researchers using NCES and NSF
data sets for basic, policy, and applied research. The Institute
provides hands-on training
for researchers in the use of large-scale national data sets, with
special emphasis on using
these data sets for policy-related research in education. Minority
researchers are strongly
encouraged to apply.
<b>General Information</b><br>
The AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education Policy is
divided into three parts.
The first part develops knowledge and skills in the use of NCES' and
NSF's data sets, with
focus on a different data base each year. Hands-on training of
educational researchers in the
use of large-scale data sets will significantly reduce the amount of
time needed to learn how to use the data
sets in general and to adapt them to particular research purposes.
The second component provides the methodological training
appropriate to the analysis of large-scale, often longitudinal, data
sets pertinent to educational
policy research. The third part of the Institute
addresses current issues of policy and practice for which the focal
data base is relevant. AERA
members, NCES and NSF staff, and outside experts jointly provide this training.
In 2005 the AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education
Policy will focus on education
policy issues that can be addressed using modern methods for causal inference
with data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
(<A href="http://www.cpc.unc.edu/projects/addhealth/"
target="_blank">Add Health</A>).The Institute
will address these issues using log linear modeling and will
provide hands-on instruction to help participants develop knowledge
and skills in
the use of Add Health data for education policy research and application.
<b>Participant Grants</b><br>
A select group of scholars will be chosen to participate in the
Institute, held in conjunction with
the AERA Annual Meeting. Those selected for participation will
receive support covering the Institute's
fees, housing, and per diem for the period of attendance.
Reimbursement for travel expenses is not
included in this award; funding assumes that participants will be
attending the AERA Annual Meeting.
<b>Dates and Location</b><br>
April 15-17, 2005, in Montr<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman,
Times, serif">é</font>al,
Qu<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times,
serif">é</font>bec, Canada (immediately following AERA's
Annual Meeting).
<b>Institute Personnel</b>
William Schmidt, Michigan State University<br>
Chandra Muller, University of Texas at Austin<br>
Martin Carnoy, Stanford University<BR>
Ken Frank, Michigan State University<br>
Richard Houang, Michigan State University<br>
Edith McArthur, NCES<br>
<b>Application Requirements</b><br>
All applications should include:
<li>An <A href="SICov.pdf">AERA Statistics Institute Cover Page</A> </li>
<li>A letter briefly describing the applicant's background, career
goals, and how the
applicant would benefit from the Institute. Priority will be given
to those applicants with
scholarly activity in issues of education policy and practice using
quantitative approaches,
who are committed to using large-scale data sets, especially those
supported by NCES and NSF, for future research
and/or teaching.</li>
<li>A current curriculum vitae</li>
<li>Names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references</li>
Advanced graduate students and recent doctorates are especially
encouraged to apply. Please note that team
applications are no longer accepted, and researchers who have attended the
AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education Policy in prior
years are not eligible to apply again.
Review criteria include: applicant's statistical background at least
to the intermediate level of multiple
regression; computer literacy with knowledge of current statistical
software package(s); substantive policy
or practice interest in the focal data set (Add Health); and the
Institute's fit with the applicant's career goals.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeanie Murdock (phone:
805-964-5264 or
email <A href="mailto:jmurdock@aera.net">jmurdock@aera.net</A>).
<b>Application Submission</b><br>
Applications must be <b>received by January 5, 2005</b>.
A total of two (2) copies of all materials should be submitted.
Electronic submissions are not acceptable.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Final decisions will
be made in February 2005. All awards are
contingent upon AERA's receiving continued federal funding. All
applications should be sent to:
Ms. Jeanie Murdock<br>
AERA Grants Program<br>
5662 Calle Real, #254<br>
Goleta, CA 93117-2317
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