<html><span id="messageContent">Hello everyone.<br />Here is a link to a 53' documentary (in French with English subtitles) about Christine Hélot's and my work in France which has been recently posted on the web.<br /><a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP5o0fk34jk">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP5o0fk34jk</a><br />In a small village in Alsace, two teachers invite the parents of their pupils to come on Saturday mornings to present their languages and cultures.<br />In the Education Department of the University of Strabourg (IUFM of Alsace, now <a href="http://espe.unistra.fr/accueil/">ESPE de l'Académie de Strasbourg</a>), two researchers challenge the reluctance of schools to open up the linguistic and cultural diversity of their pupils and in particular those who speak migrant languages. The film shows how children, parents, teachers, students and researchers can contribute to a radical change of attitude. It tells the story of all these people and how they relate to their languages.</span><br /><br />Kind regards,<br />--<br /><strong>Andrea YOUNG</strong><br />Maître de conférences en anglais, HDR<br />Responsable du CAREL (Centre d'Apprentissages et de Ressources pour une Education aux Langues)<br />Directrice adjointe, chargée des relations internationales et de la politique linguistique<br />Tél : +33 (0)3 88 43 82 89 (ligne directe)<br /><a href="mailto:andrea.young@espe.unistra.fr">andrea.young@espe.unistra.fr</a><br /><br />ESPE de l'Académie de Strasbourg<br />141 avenue de Colmar - BP 40102<br />F - 67024 STRASBOURG CEDEX<br /><a href="http://espe-carel.unistra.fr/web.carel/web/en/andrea_young/tout.php">http://espe-carel.unistra.fr/web.carel/web/en/andrea_young/tout.php</a></html>