<div dir="ltr">The New York Times<br><br>The Potential Plus of Having a Former ‘English Learner’ as Education Secretary<br><br>When Miguel Cardona was 5, he started kindergarten in public school. His parents had moved from Puerto Rico to Meriden, Conn., where he was born. His father worked as a city police officer, and his family lived in public housing. They spoke Spanish at home. When Miguel began school, English was something of a mystery. He was, in the term educators use today, an English learner.<br><br>Last month, President-elect Biden announced his intention to make Mr. Cardona the Secretary of Education, replacing Betsy DeVos. <br><br>Full story:<br><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/18/upshot/cardona-education-secretary.html?smid=em-share">https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/18/upshot/cardona-education-secretary.html?smid=em-share</a></div>