indigenous groups

EMMA emma at
Mon Feb 10 05:01:43 UTC 1997

Emma Zevik here, by way of a (re)introduction. I first began sitting
in on this list last year. Trained as a composer and
ethnomusicologist, I've been working in Sichuan on a variety of
urban and village projects since 1995. I am no linguist and no
sinologist, although slowly by osmosis, I slipping and sliding my
way around, seat-of-my-skirt. It is, by the way, one hell of a ride
and I'm having the time of my life.

First of all, let me add my name to the growing list of "hear, hears"
for Nancy's idea for the collection of fieldwork experiences. It
would be even more valuable for folks like me, with no training in
linguistics, whose work is overlapping with language issues. I first
began collecting folksongs with the Qiang in northern Sichuan
mountains, and quickly bumped up against the language issue and
have since adjusted my work to include oral histories and
documentation of the Qiang language.

At the suggestion of Karl Van Teeter, I picked up the Dixon book
on Aboriginal languages. Another excellent source for me has been
a book by Mark J. Plotkin, an ethnobotanist "Tales of a Shaman's
Apprentice" (Penguin Books, 1993). Two other suggestions I can
make are the following:

Nordstrom and Robben, eds. "Fieldwork Under Fire:
Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival"
U. Cal Press, 1995)

Golde Peggy, ed. "Women in the Field" U. Cal Press, 1986.

I also have some thoughts concerning changes in fieldwork
methodology - I'll send in a separate posting.



Dr. Emma Zevik, Visiting Professor
Ethnomusicology and Composition
Sichuan Conservatory of Music
No. 6 Xinsheng Road
Chengdu, Sichuan  610021  CHINA
FAX (86) (28) 558-2712     TEL (86) (28) 558-1380 x2326 (h)
emma at

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