ELL: unsubscribing from list

Roger Atkinson atkinson at cleo.murdoch.edu.au
Thu Sep 30 06:52:38 UTC 1999

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Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:52:38 +0800 (WST)
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To: endangered-languages-l at carmen.murdoch.edu.au
From: atkinson at cleo.murdoch.edu.au (Roger Atkinson)
Subject: RE: ELL: unsubscribing from list
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>The postings from Sally Thomason and Joan Smith/Kocamahhul
>reflect my feelings about the current flame-filled "discussion".
>We need a moderator, for sure.
>Is there some level-headed subscriber out there (you-know-who
>need not apply) who would be willing to set up a new EL list
>and moderate it?  The present list, now that Mari Rhydwen has
>cut her ties to it, seems to be operating totally without
>adult supervision.


Mari is not able to sustain daily access to email. Daily access is really
needed in order to undertake the role of moderator in a moderated list. A
moderator has to receive each email, consider it, and resend to the list
after approval, or discard, with or without advising the sender, and may
have to do additional emailing with persons who object to being moderated.
A moderator may be anywhere on the Internet and proximity to the listserver
host is irrelevant. For backup purposes it's desirable to have at least two

I have daily access, but it's not really possible for me to be a moderator,
it's not my subject area. Anyway, there is enough work just in the
technical maintenance side of things.

Another way is to unsubscribe certain persons and prevent their
re-subscription by changing the list to a "closed" list, ie list owner
approval is needed for subscription. The amount of work in administering a
closed, unmoderated list generally is much less than the amount of work
involved in admin for an open, moderated list.

What do others think? My own feeling is that to a large extent the list is
self moderating and that the recent creators of flames have been given some
pretty good advice, though some minor "aftershocks" or "ego retrievals" may
rumble for a little while. However, shall we call for


majordomo-owner at carmen.murdoch.edu.au

Dr Roger Atkinson
Snr Lect in Educational Technology and Manager, Murdoch Online
Teaching and Learning Centre:    http://cleo.murdoch.edu.au/
Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150, Australia.
Tel +61 8 9360 6840 Fax +61 8 9310 4929 Email: atkinson at cleo.murdoch.edu.au

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