Fwd: Debate over Languages

Doug Whalen whalen at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Fri Jul 30 20:11:32 UTC 2004

>Dear Sir or Madam,
>Lingva Prismo (http://www.lingvo.info/?lingvo=en) is a multilingual
>website for and about languages. Each month we discuss different current
>linguistic issues in our forum "Topic of the Month"
>(http://www.lingvo.info/forumo/?lingvo=en) and we thought that either
>you or someone else within your organisation may be interested in
>contributing to our debate.
>Our topic for August is:
>In many countries around the world the dominance of certain languages
>has excelled, to the detriment of other languages, through human
>interference.  This can frequently and clearly be seen within the
>education system and professional world. The situation in Tibet is used
>as an example.
>Is control through languages discrimination or can it be justified for
>economic and political reasons?
>We hope to hear from you through our forum!
>Yours kindly,
>Julia Wright
>Fon  +49 [ 0]30  520 00 57 95
>Fax  +49 [ 0]30  520 00 57 99
>Mail julia.wright at hesselbom.com
>Web  www.hesselbom.com
>Hesselbom Berlin GmbH
>Stralauer Platz 34
>DE 10243 Berlin

Doug Whalen (whalen at haskins.yale.edu)
Haskins Laboratories
270 Crown St.
New Haven, CT 06511
203-865-6163, ext. 234
FAX:  203-865-8963

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