ELDP grants announcement

Jean Tullett jt26 at SOAS.AC.UK
Sat Jul 8 12:22:53 UTC 2006


The trustees of the Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund invite applications for
the 2006/07 round of applications for research grants for the documentation
of endangered languages.  The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
is a component of the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project,
administered by the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University
of London.  It offers up to £1 million in grants each year for the
documentation of endangered languages in any location around the world.
There are two main types of grants:


1.	Large Grants – major documentation projects and post-doctoral
fellowships. Closing date 5th August 2006. 
2.	Small Grants – pilot projects, PhD studentships and fieldtrips.
Closing date 9th January 2007. 


For further information and application forms visit
<http://www.hrelp.org/grants> www.hrelp.org/grants 


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