Workshop on Language Revitalisation: last chance to register

Julia Sallabank julia at TORTEVAL.CO.UK
Fri Feb 1 16:38:37 UTC 2008

Dear colleagues

The Endangered Languages Academic Programme at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London is organising a Workshop on Issues in Language Revitalisation and Maintenance. 

Date: Saturday 9th February, 2008, 9.30am-5.30pm, Room G02, SOAS 


Suzanne Romaine

Viv Edwards

David Nathan and Meili Fang

Lenore Grenoble

The goal of the workshop is to highlight and discuss theoretical and practical issues in revitalising endangered languages, and especially issues of goals, models and methods for revitalisation of threatened languages. Among the issues to be considered will be: 

1. What are the aims/goals of language revitalisation? 

2. What part should teaching and pedagogy play in a revitalisation programme? 

3. What is the role of media and technology in language revitalisation? 

4. Are there limits to the applicability and transferability of models of language revitalisation?

For details, a booking form, timetable, and abastracts please go to 

The cost is £12.50 for full registration and £7.50 for student/ELAP alumni/staff registration. Registration includes a reading pack, tea and coffee and lunch. 

The official deadline is today, but I have it on good authority that late registrations will not be turned away!

Best wishes

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