Online Navajo Language Survey

Berkson, Kelly kelly764 at KU.EDU
Mon Apr 5 00:42:52 UTC 2010

Greetings all,

I am in search of participants for an online Navajo language survey which looks at optional sibilant harmony by focusing on usage of the first person possessive morpheme.  (This morpheme generally surfaces as shi- but sometimes harmonizes to si-; the change is reflected in the orthography.)  I have created a shortened version of the survey that involves grammaticality judgments on the possessed forms of 75 nouns.  It should take less than 30 minutes to complete, and can be found at:

Please feel free to distribute the link, and my contact info, widely, and don't hesitate to contact me if you would like any additional details. 

And, most importantly--thank you so much to everyone who has already been generous with their time and knowledge.

All best wishes,

Kelly Harper Berkson
University of Kansas
Departments of Linguistics and Global Indigenous Nations Studies
kelly764 at

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