Call for Papers for Special Issue of Language Learning & Technology

National Foreign Language Resource Center nflrc at HAWAII.EDU
Fri Jun 25 20:13:26 UTC 2010

Call for Papers for Special Issue of Language Learning & Technology 

Theme: Hegemonies in CALL

Guest Editors: Marie-Noelle Lamy and Mark Pegrum

An assumption that the technologies, pedagogies, educational and sociocultural 
norms associated with CALL are universal has implicitly permeated much of the 
discipline's research over the past two decades. In this issue we will draw 
together critical perspectives that problematize the workings of hegemonies. By 
"hegemony," we understand a situation where one culture or one form of praxis 
predominates and, deliberately or not, prevents the development or continued 
viability of alternative cultures and forms of praxis. We will assemble a 
provocative collection, from a multicultural, multilingual group of 
contributors, contrasting voices from the Anglosphere with voices from less 
well-served territories/cultures to ensure a rich dialogue between and around 
articles. We particularly welcome proposals for articles that include less 
well-researched languages, student cohorts and teaching contexts.

Please consult the LLT Website for general guidelines on submission 
( and research 

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

* CALL & technological hegemonies (including hegemonic implications of the 
Internet and Web, commonly used Web 2.0 tools, and mobile technologies)

* CALL & pedagogical hegemonies (including hegemonic implications of social 
constructivism and associated interactive, collaborative, student-centred 
pedagogies; curriculum and course design; and the design of open access 
materials and digital repositories)

* CALL & educational hegemonies (including hegemonic educational and 
institutional policies, expectations and norms)

* CALL & social hegemonies (including the hegemonic implications of norms and 
practices of online interaction)

* CALL & inter/cultural hegemonies (including hegemonic implications of Western 
cultural norms and Western approaches to tolerance, openness, relativism and 
the skills associated with intercultural competence)

* CALL & sociopolitical hegemonies (including the hegemonic implications of 
democratic structures in education, and resistance to hegemonies)

Please send letter of intent and 250-word abstract by October 1, 2010 to 
llted at

Publication timeline:
* October 1, 2010: Submission deadline for abstracts
* October 15, 2010: Invitation to authors to submit a manuscript
* March 1, 2011: Submission deadline for manuscripts
* June 1, 2012: Publication of special issue

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