Endangered Languages in Museum

Lena Terhart lena.terhart at GMX.DE
Thu Aug 29 18:50:47 UTC 2013

Dear Colleagues,

the UNIKATUM children's museum in Leipzig, Germany, is preparing an exhibition on language (http://www.kindermuseum-unikatum.de/papperlapapp.html in German). I thought it would be nice to present language endangerment as part of the exhibition and together with the responsible people of the museum, we are now thinking about one exhibit, probably a coffin that shall be filled with words that may die out.

In order to present a big variety of endangered languages, I would like to ask you to contribute with
- a list of max. 5 words in the endangered language (basic vocabulary, something that may be interesting for children, e.g. animals, plants, natural phenomena, or maybe also simple verbs)
- in the orthographic convention you use
- together with a translation
- and some basic info about the geographic location and number and age of speakers or alternatively a link to your website where I can find the information

Additionally, photographs of the speakers and/or environment could be very nice, and ideally also recordings of the words (MP3), but that is not a requisite - I know that the search for individual words and cutting process may be too time-consuming.

The mounting of the exhibition will start on the 16th of september already so that I need the word lists until the 13th latest.


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