CoLang 2014 Registration

Fitzgerald, Colleen M cmfitz at UTA.EDU
Tue Apr 15 17:25:30 UTC 2014

We have additional updates and information on CoLang 2014, the Institute on Collaborative Language Research, which offers training in language documentation, revitalization, and field methodologies.  CoLang 2014 will take place June 16-27, 2014 for two week workshop sessions, with many participants staying on an additional month to enroll in the field methods courses, which run June 30 - July 25, 2014.  CoLang 2014 will take place at the University of Texas at Arlington. Full information is online at or inquiries may be sent to uta2014institute at<mailto:uta2014institute at> for more information.
CoLang 2014 scholarship notices, from the Linguistic Society of American, Endangered Language Fund, and the internal awards given by the local organizers at UT Arlington, have started going out.  All four field methods languages have been finalized:  Alabama<> (Muskogean; [akz]) with Dr. Mary Linn; Apoala Mixtec<> (Otomanguean; [mip]; note this section will requires Spanish proficiency to work with the Mixtec speakers) with Dr. Christian DiCanio; Enya<> (Bantu; [gey]) with Dr. Amanda Miller; and Innu<> (Algonquian; [moe]) with Dr. Monica Macauley.  Seats are still available in all four sections.
We encourage participants to consider registering as early as possible, since some of our workshops are already nearing enrollment caps.
Early bird registration prices have been extended to April 30.  (A deposit of $150 is allowed if paying by credit card.) All costs must be paid in full by that date in order to stay registered in the selected courses and not incur additional costs.  The registration site is currently open at<>.  The early bird registration fee is $750 for the two weeks workshop. If a field methods course is added, the six weeks sessions costs $2250 in fees.  Note that housing, food and travel are not included in registration costs.  Scholarship recipients must complete their registration and pay any remaining costs by April 30.
Dr. Colleen Fitzgerald
Dept. of Linguistics & TESOL
The University of Texas at Arlington

Native American Languages Lab
Facebook Page:

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