PST Serial Response Box

Anthony Zuccolotto Tony.Zuccolotto at
Thu Mar 23 20:41:52 UTC 2000

Hi Ted,

I would recommend using the PST Serial Response Box and just wiring your
switches to the expansion port of the box.  There are instructions in the
SRBOX manual outlining how to do this.

If the idea is to not use a PST SRBOX then you are likely to have more
success going through something like the parallel port and then using the
ReadPort command in E-Basic to poll the port for changes in the bits.  When
you see a change call the Clock.Read command to get the current time.
Assuming you take this approach you will also have to remember to call
c.SetAttrib as needed to get your dependent measures into the context so it
gets logged in your data file, e.g. if you do your own data collection you
also have to do your own scoring, feedback, and logging.  If you just expand
out the PST SRBOX then all the logging and scoring is done for you in

Hope that helps,
Anthony Zuccolotto
Sr. Software Engineer
Psychology Software Tools, Inc.
Disclaimer: All views expressed are my own and do not necessary reflect the
views or policies of Psychology Software Tools, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Theodore Steger [mailto:theosteger at]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 2:34 PM
To: eprime at
Subject: PST Serial Response Box

I'm trying to connect a four button response box to the E-Prime system.
I was trying to connect the output of the response box in such a way as
to mimic the output of the PST Response Box.  Does anyone know which pins
on the ports are read by E-Prime for the Response Box input?  Thanks for
your help.

Ted Steger

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