Using nested lists

Kelley Sacco ks7t at
Wed Oct 4 17:05:41 UTC 2000


This type of word presentation is most easily handled by using nested lists.
Nested lists will allow you to sample from more than one list during the
same block of trials. You can set the sampling order for those lists
independently, if desired.

>From your description, it sounds as if you will need to create a Procedure
Object which calls two List Objects.  List1 would be used to present the 20
living/non-living words.  List2 would be used to present 10
living/non-living words and 10 new words.  Both List1 and List2 would sample
from nested lists, which would allow you to control the List from which
words were sampled on each trial.

A good example to look at is the sample program, included with
your E-Prime installation (in C:\My Experiments\Samples\NestingRT).  In
NestingRT, two exemplars are sampled on each trial (see TrialList).  The
Nested column value determines where those exemplars are coming from (i.e.,
which List).  For example, row #1 in the TrialList lists only WordList in
the Nested column, yet samples two exemplars (Stim1 and Stim2).  Thus, both
exemplars will be chosen from WordList.  Row #2 samples Stim1 from WordList
and Stim2 from NonWordList.

Also, please refer to section 3.1.2 in Chapter 2-Using E-Studio in the
User's Guide for a discussion of Nested Lists.  The example described in
section 3.1.2 is very similar to what you describe.  In your case, List1
would run all trials sampling from the living/non-living nested List.  List2
would nest the living/non-living List on 10 trials and nest the new List on
10 trials.


Sara Burgess
Technical Consultant

Psychology Software Tools, Inc.
2050 Ardmore Blvd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15221-4610
E-mail: info at
Voice (412) 271-5040
Fax: (412) 271-7077

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