forperiod duration

Francisco Tornay ftornay at
Wed Nov 13 16:26:49 UTC 2002

At 08:10 03/11/02 +0000, you wrote:
>  I want to ask how  to create a range of duration. I have an exp. with
> fixed duration of foreperiod ( 500 ms) and another exp.  with rondom
> duration of foreperiod ( 100 &500 &1000ms) these two condition I could
> create it but I have another condition with range of durration ( from100
> to 200 or from 250 to 500 an so on) if you please tell me how to create it?

Let's assume that the name of your stimulus (textdisplay, imagedisplay or
whatever) is stimulus

You could add an inline before the object with the following code:

dim randomDuration as long

randomDuration = random(100, 200) 'or whatever values you have

c.setattrib "RandomForeperiod", randomDuration

stimulus.duration = randomDuration

'In our lab we have done something similar and it has worked.
the c.setattrib line create an attribute called "RandomForeperiod" which
would contain the random duration.

If you have any problem, feel free to ask.

Francisco Tornay

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