Contingent Branching, etc.

Catherine Ortner catherine at
Mon Oct 21 15:48:49 UTC 2002

Hi All,

I have a few questions:

Does anyone know anything about contingent branching (see page 160 in E-Prime User's Guide)?
I have a set-up where in the first part of the task, participants have 3 response options (1, 2 or 3).  According to which one they select, the task then proceeds to one of three lists.  I am using the following script after the first trialproc:

If Allbuttons.RESP = "1" Then
ElseIf Allbuttons.RESP = "2" Then 
Else List3.Run
End If

The problem is that I am getting an error message when I try to run it: "Factor error: Invalid context in list 1" (or list 2, or list 3, according to which response I make on the first part of the experiment).  I'm not really sure what that error message means?  When I delete my script, the whole thing works fine (it's just that then I get the three possible lists run sequentially). Perhaps I have not set-up the different levels of the task correctly - should the first part, and then the script, and then the three lists, all come on the same timeline in the first trialproc?

My next question follows from this: once participants have completed either list1, 2 or 3, I then need the task to go back to the first screen (where they have the three response options).

I would like to set up a counter on the screen that will continuously display cumulatively how many 'points' the participant has.  Any tips on how to get started on this?

Finally, I need to set up something that will enable me to deduct points from the participant at predetermined intervals (probably on a variable ratio schedule).

Any help on any or all of these issues would be much appreciated!
Thanks very much,
Catherine Ortner

Catherine N M Ortner
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Psychology
University of Toronto
100 St George Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3G3

Tel: 416 978 5464
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