Potential problem with data collection in e-prime

Georg Odenthal odenthal at soz.psychologie.uni-konstanz.de
Fri Aug 29 06:26:43 UTC 2003


> During data collection, pressing the "windows" key (the one
> with the Windows logo) can crash e-prime.
In MEL2 was a similar problem. If you were developing a program using
Graphics Mode in the MS-DOS Prompt within Windows and you
accidentially pressed the Windows Key it crashed the whole computer.

A good approach to avoid this during an Experiment with E-Prime is to
remove the Windows keys and the ALT key on the keyboard of the
experimental computer. On virtually all keyboards the keys can be
removed. Just slide a knife or a screwdriver beneath the key and pull
it out. You can put it back in after the study is over.

Another thing that can halt E-Prime is if the experimental computer is
connected to the internet and you're running ZoneAlarm. Whenever
ZoneAlarm shows a pop up with an "Intruder Alert" E-Prime will halt.
It happened to me several times while developing a program. When
running an E-Prime program for data collection you shouldn't use a
computer that's connected to the internet anyway or that's running a
lot of other programs simultaneously (e.g. ZoneAlarm, Email Program,
Virus Scanner...) besides E-Prime.

Best regards,
 Georg Odenthal


Georg Odenthal (Dipl.-Psych.)             University of Konstanz
+49 (0)7531 88-2872                       Department of Psychology
odenthal at soz.psychologie.uni-konstanz.de  Social Psychology and Motivation
http://www.socpsych.uni-konstanz.de       78457 Konstanz, Germany


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