TextDisplay: flush input buffer

Justin Lolofie lolofie at unlv.edu
Wed Feb 12 22:52:04 UTC 2003

I am using a msgbox after a TextDisplay to ask if the experiment should
continue on:

  goOn = MsgBox("Continue?",4,"Press Y or N") ' 6 for yet, 7 for no

The problem that I am experiencing is that in the previous TextDisplay,
when a user presses {SPACE}, it is also affecting the msgbox that follows
the TextDisplay. (and SPACE is like a button click when a msgbox has

Under "Advanced" in the TextDisplay properties window, there is a "flush
input buffer" but this is already set to "yes" and also this seems to
flush the input when the TextDisplay initializes.

So I guess what I'm trying to figure out is either:

1. How do you flush the input buffer AFTER a TextDisplay?


2. How can I check what key was entered into a TextDisplay? (to eliminate
the msgbox altogether)

Thank you for any advice,

Justin Lolofie

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