Problem with Sound files

elong627 elong627 at
Thu Feb 13 21:04:03 UTC 2003

I am having a problem getting E-Prime to run my sound files.  I am doing a
study in which we are presenting auditory stimuli in the form of letters to a
subject, then providing both visual and auditory distractors, then probing to
see if they can remember what they heard.  Unfortunately, when I try to run
the program it tells me that it "cannot resolve [nameofsoundfile.wav] in this
context."  What must I do to get this to run properly.  All of the .wav files
are in the proper folder, and all are specified properly in the procedures.  I
am guessing there is some little nuance that I am unaware of that is
preventing my program from working.  I would appreciate advice from anybody
who might be able to help me solve this problem.
  Thank you,
    Eric Long

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