video I/O

Jason Craggs jcraggs at
Tue Mar 18 16:28:40 UTC 2003


I have been coming to several of the conclusions you have mentioned.
I am thinking we will have to just track the order of selection and
placement of piece.
The issue of shape does present a fairly unique problem. While keeping all
the shapes "regular"
the choices of shape, form and color become simplified.  We are exploring
our options on this one...

Yes, please do keep me posted as to your progress.  Actually I have heard
from a few people who are engaged in similar tasks.  This forum has already
proven very helpful and looks to be even more so in the future.

Jason G Craggs
Psykologisk Institutt
Postboks 1094 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo, Norway
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mariana Silva" <m.silva at>
To: "Jason Craggs" <jcraggs at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: video I/O

Hi Jason,

Coincidentally I am building a program where the participant needs to click
on boxes in a specific order. I am having some trouble but I think I may
get there soon. I wouldn't know how to track a "piece" if it's been dragged
across the screen. I know it's possible to know where the participant has
clicked and in which order. Another problem you may have is to do with the
shape of the pieces. I know you can determine square, rectangular and round
areas for the "clicks" but not other irregular shapes. Do you want me to
keep you posted of my progress? Don't know if my program will help, but it
sounds a bit similar to the one you were describing.



At 09:35 17/03/03 +0100, you wrote:
>God day all,
>A colleague has asked me whether it is possible to "work a puzzle" in
>The goal is to track which "pieces" are used and in what order.
>While I believe that this should be possible, I have not seen any
>documentation to this effect.
>Any advice or help is appreciated.
>Jason G Craggs
>Psykologisk Institutt
>Postboks 1094 Blindern
>N-0317 Oslo, Norway

Mariana Matos da Silva
School of Human Sciences
Department of Psychology
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH

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