Timing a sequence of displays

Harvey Shulman shulman.1 at osu.edu
Tue Jul 5 18:49:01 UTC 2005

I want to measure the total time needed to present a series of 8 stumuli 
each of which is presented by the same display object and terminated by 
pressing the spacebar.      The RTs are collected for each item and I 
could nearly get what I'm after by adding the 8 RTs but that leaves out 
the accumulated response-stimulus times.  It seems to me I will need 
some inline code to get this total time but maybe I have missed some 
feature of Eprime I can use instead ?

Harvey G. Shulman, PhD
Department of Psychology
The Ohio State University
201 Lazenby Hall
Columbus, OH 43210
ph 614 292-2759  fax 614 688-3984

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