Counterbalance 4 lists

hitzig at hitzig at
Wed Nov 2 17:07:25 UTC 2005

I'm someone with relatively poor programming skills and I need to create a
simple experiment in E-prime where 4 lists are counterbalanced across
conditions.  Each item is a presentation of 3 target words (all upper-case)
with either leading distractors presented directly under each target (all lower
case), misleading distractors (all lower case), or no distractors at all.  The
order of the items of each list are constant and all I need to record is
reaction time.  Does anyone have any suggestions for scripts or path I should
follow in E-Studio that I could look at as a starting point?  I've started
looking at the STEP website but nothing has jumped out so far.  Thanks for any
help anyone can provide.

Sander Hitzig

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