Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action -- 34th Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition

Brian MacWhinney macw at cmu.edu
Mon Feb 20 16:46:56 UTC 2006

"Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action"

The 34th Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition will be held June 2-4, 2006,
at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.  As conference organizers, we
invite you to attend and also ask that you disseminate this announcement to
your colleagues. 

The presenters include Jack Loomis, Guenther Knoblich, Roberta Klatzky,
Dennis Proffitt, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Paul Cisek, Andrew Schwartz, Jody
Culham, Peter Strick, Carol Colby (discussant), Karen Adolph, Bennett
Bertenthal, and Susan Fitzpatrick (discussant).

To prevent viruses, this email posting does not include an attachment.
However, a PDF brochure is available from our website:

We would like to encourage you to print out and post that PDF brochure and
to further circulate this message.

Please note that funding is available for junior scientists' travel and
lodging expenses associated with attending the symposium.  Interested
applicants should send a brief statement of interest, a curriculum vitae,
and one letter of recommendation by April 21, 2006 to Genevieve Placone
<gingerp at andrew.cmu.edu>.  We would appreciate it if you could distribute
this information to any interested individuals.

Thank you for your help in publicizing the symposium.


Roberta Klatzky 
Marlene Behrmann 
Brian MacWhinney 

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