Problems with Cedrus RB-530 response pad

Fabrizio Ferri Benedetti Fabrizio.Ferri at
Wed Oct 11 10:55:05 UTC 2006


We recently purchased a Cedrus RB-530 response pad, claimed to be 
compatible with the SRBox 200A. I've followed all the steps from their 
website in order to make it work with E-Prime. The pad works perfectly 
with Xidon (a bundled app) in default mode (all pins down). The driver 
were of course installed properly (my laptop runs Windows XP Home SP2). 
I upgraded the firmware to RBX30_c18.hex - file which was included in 
the downloadable Xidon of the support site (it was c18, not c14c as the 
site requested, but I thought it would be a finer upgrade). I then 
tested the 19200 and 9600 baud modes with E-Prime, using the SRBox 
default script which comes included with E-Prime 1.1

It doesn't work. In 19200 mode, E-Prime throws this output:

10051: An error occurred while attempting to open the device
Error: 0x00002329
Message: 'Unable to open the SRBOX
Last Error: 0x00000000
Category: 0x000000cb
Status: 0xc0000034
Extended: 0x00000001'

And in 9600 mode, it states that the baud value is not correct/valid. Is 
that because of the port? In my laptop, the RB-530 uses COM8, while 
E-Prime seems to be limited to a choice ranging from 1 to 4. I'll wait 
and see what Cedrus' guys answer to my query, but it would be a very 
shame if I couldn't make the pad working with E-Prime. It seems an 
excellent response device, and it has been also quite expensive!


            Fabrizio Ferri Benedetti
            University of Valencia

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