Sending triggers (again): how to best invoke them for aresponse in an oddball paradigm?

J. Scott Saults saultsj at
Tue Oct 31 18:18:35 UTC 2006


Thanks for the suggestions. I worked up something based on your 
ideas. About all I needed to add was a boolean to set when there was 
a response. This variable is then checked in each loop so the port 
code is only sent once.

Today, I also got a response to this question from Matt Lenhart, PST 
technical Consultant. His suggestion was similar to yours, except 
that his solution involved two inlines, one after the stimulus object 
but before the ISI object, the other after the ISI object. It works 
in a similar way, with the first inline looping for the duration of 
the stimulus, and the second inline looping for the duration of the 
ISI. One small difference is that the ISI object clears the stimulus 
display when it times out, so that doesn't have to be done within the inline.

BTW, as well as I can tell, on my system, this method usually sends 
the port code within about 1 ms of the time of the response.

Thanks again.
J Scott Saults

At 08:47 AM 10/30/06, From: "Ben Robinson" <brobinso at>
>one way you could do this would be to basically have two objects in 
>your procedure:
>the slide object and an inline
>set your slide duration to 1 ms, with a response duration of 2000 ms.
>put your inline immediately after the slide.

> >>> "J Scott Saults" <saultsj at> 10/28/2006 12:39 PM >>>
>Sorry, but in spite of detailed explanation by Brandon Cernicky and some
>study and experimenting with the, I STILL do not
>have a good solution for sending triggers in a particular variation of an
>Oddball paradigm with repeated stimuli. In this experiment, each stimulus (a
>picture) is presented for 1 s, followed by a 1 s ISI with a blank screen,
>and a single response, made during the stimulus presentation or the
>following ISI, is collected for each stimulus.
>Thanks, in advance, for any suggestions,
>Best regards,
>J Scott Saults

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