drag-and-drop with mouse?

Stephani Foraker sma215 at nyu.edu
Thu Apr 19 18:33:33 UTC 2007


Just curious. Someone here is wondering if eprime can implement moving around bmp objects (on a slide, say) by using a mouse to click on a bmp/object, drag it to a new location on the screen, and drop in a new location. 

My present thought is to use strHit to compare a click location to a particular object on a slide, bmpX (say, defined as an attribute on a trial list) - based on a sample program at eprime downloads (response areas for mouse input). that would identify which bmp was selected. 

but instead of drag-and-drop, the subject could then click a destination location on another part of the screen - is there any way to then 'move' the selected/first-clicked-on-bmpX to the new location chosen by the second mouse click? are predefined destination locations the way to go, as in, treat the destinations as objects on a slide, too (say, 9 are allowed), and then display a different slide state to reflect the new location of bmpX?

any suggestions appreciated.
Thanks, Stephani

Stephani Foraker
*Please note my preferred email address*
sforaker at uchicago.edu

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