Problem alternating target and attribute trials

Ben Robinson BRobinso at
Tue Aug 14 15:56:06 UTC 2007

you could do this by having a list with two procedures in it: targetproc and attributeproc.
set the list to exit after 20 cycles (where one cycle is 2 trials - one targetproc trial and one attributeproc trial - 20 cycles will give you 40 trials).
on the same row as your targetproc have a nested list, targetlist.
on the same row as your attributeproc have a nested list, attributelist.
place a column in each of the two nested lists called 'stimulus'.
put your 20 stimuli in their respective lists under this column.
set these nested lists to random selection, and to exit after 1 sample.
in both your targetproc, and your attributeproc, have a slide object (Slide1) call from the 'stimulus' column using brackets around the column name ([stimulus]).
this should work.  i hope.


>>> Trefor Aspden <psp225 at> 8/14/2007 5:04:21 AM >>>
Hi, I would be really grateful if anyone can help me with the following. I wish
to show a series of 40 stimuli, 20 of which are attribute stimuli and 20 of
which are target stimuli. I wish to randomly determine the order of trials
separately for each participant, but also want to ensure that attribute and
target stimuli appear on alternate trials. I also want to ensure that each of
the 20 target items appears once, and each of the 20 stimulus items appears
once. The way the EPRIME list object is set out does not appear (as far as I
can tell) to support a routine such as this, but there may be a way of doing it
I have overlooked.

Thanks for your help, Trefor

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