Occasional Skips

Brandon Cernicky brandon_cernicky at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 20 19:53:58 UTC 2007

In response to the topic from last week regarding an
object that was skipped.  This may be related to a
previous object in your experiment that has
1) end resp action = terminate

2a) PreRelease value
2b) A time limit longer than the duration

Either by using PreRelease or a time limit greater
than the Duration value, you setup an "extended input"
for the object.  However, if the end resp action is
set to terminate, you will actually end up terminating
the "next" object that is running.

In the case of PreRelease, you the next object .Run
call is executing so that it can prepare, but if the
end response action = terminate occurs, you actually
terminate the object that is being prepared, which is
not what is expected/designed.  This behavior of
"terminate" in E-Prime 2.0 is schedculed to be
modified prior to final release to mean "terminate
only this object".

In a paradigm where a input is to jump/skip over the
current object or other objects later in the
procedure, always use Jump and a Label.

The OnsetTime of zero is typically a flag that this
condition occurred, especially if the object with a
.OnsetTime = 0 had been run successfully before.

Another way to confirm this is to log the RT or RTTime
of the previous object response and determine if that
value would have occurred during the PreRelease time. 
For example, if ObjectA.OnsetTime was 1234 and had a
duration of 2000 but a PreRelease of 500 and then if
the RT value was anything greater than 1500 or if the
RTTime was 2735 or more would confirm it.

In general, only use end resp action of terminate with
an object with no PreRelease and time timit =


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