word list exhaustion

Ben Robinson brobinso at mprc.umaryland.edu
Fri Sep 14 12:25:19 UTC 2007

so you have 3 lists of words: wordslist1, wordslist2, wordslist3.  let's say each list has 10 words, one word per row, in a single column.  call that column, "word".  each row has a weight of '1'.  set the properties of each of these three lists to random selection, and exit list after 1 sample.

now you just need a trial list with three rows.  call it triallist.  set it to random selection.  each row calls the same procedure, 'displaywordproc', but each has a different word list nested on it.  row 1 will have wordslist1 nested ([wordslist1]); row two will have wordslist2 nested; row 3 has wordslist3.  because wordslist1 and wordslist2 need to call all their words twice, and each has 10 words, both lists will need to run 20 times (twice the number of words in each list).  set the weight for rows one and two of your triallist to 20 and 20.  row three will need a weight of 30 (three times the number of words in wordslist3).

in your displaywordsproc place a TextDisplay object, and in the center of it type '[word]' (don't type the quotes).

that should do it.

the big list should run 70 times (20+20+30), each time calling randomly from one of your three nested wordslists.  each time a wordslist is called it will randomly select a word from the 'word' column to be presented in the middle of your textdisplay object.


>>> "Michelle Schoenleber" <michelle.schoenleber at gmail.com> 09/13/07 7:42 PM >>>

This is probably something relatively easy that I just don't have time to
work out for myself.

The block of words that I have set up includes words from three different
lists -- two of which need to be repeated twice during presentation and one
of which needs to be repeated three times.  I am able to get all of the
words to be presented the appropriate number of times, but does anyone know
I can get E-prime to exhaust the words within each list before that
particular list repeats for the appropriate number of times, while still
randomizing the words across the three lists.

Thanks so much for your help!


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