Luck & Vogel (1997)-like task?

Ben Robinson BRobinso at
Tue Sep 25 14:01:30 UTC 2007

thank you, brandon.  i had no idea.

>>> Brandon Cernicky <brandon_cernicky at> 9/25/2007 9:26:51 AM >>>
This is not a direct reply to your task, but something
everyone should be aware of.

Note that when you declare (i.e. DIM) variables on one
line, if you omit the type, they are treated as a
VARIANT which may not be what you intended and could
cause rounding or data type conversion issues.  So
note in the line...

dim x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7 as integer

...only x7 is an Integer.

To declare all of those variables on one line as
Integer, the following would be used...

Dim x0 As Integer, x1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, x3 As
Integer,x4 As Integer,x5 As Integer,x6 As Integer,x7
As Integer

KB1794 - INFO: Declaring Multiple Variables on a
Single Line in E-Basic 

In addition, consider using the Long data type to
avoid overflow errors when using values larger than


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