Calling a second trial procedure within a procedure

Bjørn Sætrevik satrevik at
Thu Aug 14 07:51:34 UTC 2008

Hi Tracy,

I would start out with one list (e.g. "TrialList") containing all your
288 trials (with one attribute for stimulus A and one attribute for
stimulus X). Every level of "TrialList" should contain a procedure
(e.g. "PresentStimulus") that presents A and the mask, and then runs a
new list (e.g. "TaskList"). "TaskList" should run randomly, and have
five levels that contains one procedure (e.g. "ComparisonTask"), and
one level that runs a different procedure (e.g. "IdentificationTask").
"ComparisonTask" and "IdentificationTask" should contain different
objects for instructions and responses.

You could state the correct answer for each task in two different
attributes on the "TrialList" level, and in the "TaskList" you could
have an attribute that reference to the "TrialList" level attribute
that should currently be used, and then have your response object
refer to the "TaskList" level attribute as "Correct response".

I hope this helps,

On Aug 12, 6:19 pm, Tracy <lennert... at> wrote:
> I'm trying to program a visual AX identity task, in which participants
> see a written stimuli (A, e.g., blow), a mask (e.g., XXXXXX), followed
> by a written stimulus (X, e.g., below) -- and are then asked to
> determine if A and X are identical (e.g., press 1 if identical, 2 if
> not). My experiment has 288 of these trials.
> I'd like to add a second trial procedure to my experiment, in which
> participants are presented A, mask, X (as usual) -- but instead of
> determining if the items are identical -- I'd like them to be prompted
> after the presentation of X to spell either A or X (the spelling
> directions will be explicit for each trial, as to whether A or X
> should be spelled). I'd like them to type their response using the
> keyboard. These spelling trials should occur randomly (about one in
> every six normal experimental trials) -- so participants cannot
> predict when exactly the next spelling trial would occur.
> I'm having difficulty implementing this design. Where do I place the
> spelling trial procedure in regard to the normal AX procedure?
> How can I ensure a spelling trial is chosen randomly about once in
> every six trials, such that the spelling trials are sampled without
> replacement?
> Thanks very much for your help,
> Tracy
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