Fwd: Do ... Loop

Pedro Margalhos margalhos at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 21:47:05 UTC 2008

Hi once again,

First of all, thanks for the tips.

Secondly, i need other help:
I need to present the following (In a Flicker Paradigm):

Fixation cross (textdisplayobject)
StimulusA (slideObject)

This set need to be presented until the subject gives an answer (i.e: until
the subject gives an answer the images must be repeatedly presented).

when the subject gives an answer, the following happens:

   1. If the subject answer 0 then the next pair of stimulus appear;
   2. If the subject answer 1 then Goto a SlideObject to answer a
   different question;
   3. This situation happens independently of the subjects answer.

Once again Thanks in advance,

Pedro Margalhos Rodrigues

p.s. I'm sorry for all the questions but I'm starting with E-Prime and
Visual Basic it's not my speciality.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pedro Margalhos <margalhos at gmail.com>
Date: 28/01/2008 16:18
Subject: Do ... Loop
To: e-prime at googlegroups.com


I'm trying to set an experiment with e-prime to run a flicker paradigm.
Therefore, i need do use a Do ... Loop Statement (more specifically a Do ...
Loop Until condition). This because i need to have the stimulus repeated
until the condition/answer is True.
The experiment consists in presenting a fixation cross, a picture (A), a
mask, a picture (A'), a mask, and then have the participant to signal if
there were any differences between both images presented. If there is no
answer or a wrong (False) from the participant the set must be repeated.

Thanks in advance,

Pedro Margalhos Rodrigues

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