jitter in rapid event related design

ben robinson baltimore.ben at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 14:51:38 UTC 2008

you could certainly do this with an inline script, or you could do it just
using the built-in objects.
here's one way to do it:
say you're using a TextDisplay item to display your stimulus, and it's the
onset of the TextDisplay item which you would like to jitter.  let's call
that TextDisplay2, and immediately before it in the procedure time-line is
TextDiplay1 (a blank screen or fixation cross).  go to the duration/input
tab in your TextDisplay1, and in the Duration field (also in the PreRelease
field) type [jitter].  now TextDisplay1 is trying to determine its duration
from a column by the name of "jitter" in some higher up List.  so now we
need to make that list, and that column within it.
let's say your trial procedure is being called from/run from "List1".  go to
List1, and on the same row as you have your procedure being called, create a
nested list, called "JitterList", or something.  inside JitterList you need
to add a column titled, "jitter", to supply a value for the duration field
on your TextDisplay1.  in this column put all the various durations you'd
like.  now set JitterList to select items at random.
hope that works.


On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 7:51 PM, lislog <martin.lauterbach at sapo.pt> wrote:

> Dear colleagues
> I want to program an e-prime paradigm for fMRI with varying stimulus
> onset time, in order to jitter the BOLD responses. I guess this has to
> be done with a InLine-object in the TrialProc- object. What are the
> comands that have to be written into the InLine-object? Or do you have
> other suggestions how to introduce into the TrialList-object a
> variablel stimulus onset time?
> best lislog
> >

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