repeat one of the sample of items

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Thu Sep 18 21:20:31 UTC 2008


>A part of my experiment asks some questions using a Likert scale. The
>questions are taken from a list which are given sequentially in a
>slide. Because kids are completing it, they often say they hit "2"
>instead of "0" and so on. However, that item is gone and the next item
>is showing. Can I write script that counts the trial (count+1)? Then,
>if the person wants to change sample 10 then I can press "b" on sample
>11 which will go to the list and retrieve sample number count-1. Is
>that even possible? I started writing script, but I've never used any
>goto statement that did not go to a label.

Boy, wouldn't that be a nice feature!  Unfortunately the structure of 
E-Prime programming objects presents several obstacles to your goal.

But first off, if you just want to do Likert scales and are not too 
fussy about the timing, you might try MediaLab from 
Empirisoft.  MediaLab (and its companion product, DirectRT) cannot do 
everything that E-Prime does (e.g., cannot do a psychophysical 
threshold procedure), but what they do they do much better than 
E-Prime.  I believe you can get a trial version from the Empirisoft web site.

Now I assume that your EP program just presents your questions from a 
list object, and you want to return to a prior level (row) of the 
list.  And that is the problem.  Once a list is running EP does not 
provide any good way to backtrack (or skip forward) through the 
list.  Specifically, no "goto" will help you, because there is no 
program destination to return to, you really want to re-run an 
earlier level from the list object.  To be sure, you could try things 
like List.GetPrevAttrib (see the online E-Basic Help), and as I 
recall from my explorations that even has the side effect of moving 
the list's order pointer backwards.  But even if that moved you back, 
you would have to change the Exit Condition (List.TerminateCondition) 
to add one more sample before the list quits, and I do not think that 
you can alter the Exit Condition once the list is running.  Finally, 
once a response gets logged you cannot unlog it, so you would still 
have the invalid answers in the .edat file and would have to filter those out.

Of course, I would like it very much if someone else could weigh in 
with a solution, perhaps I missed something.

>I still can't run videos on eprime on my Vista machine. ho-hum.

Then you just need to revert to XP.  As has been reported several 
times on this list and the PST Forum, EP2 continues to have problems 
with video and sound under Vista, although they seem to work OK under 
XP.  (EP1 sound does work under Vista, although EP1 cannot do videos 
at all, and its sound does not have the new streaming buffer 
mode.)  I am one of the few people who actually likes what Microsoft 
is trying to do with Vista, unfortunately Microsoft did not finish 
writing the OS before they marketed it.  Perhaps when Microsoft 
finishes writing the code everything will be OK.  Until then 
researchers need to stick with XP.  Or we should all just find a way 
to move to Linux or Max OS X.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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