sending ttl pulse

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Feb 10 17:07:21 UTC 2009


>I've been programming in eprime for a little while now but have come across
>a problem with trying to get eprime (2) to communicate with an external
>device. The device that I'm sending the pulse to is a Pathway ATS
>stimulator (<>). The pulse
>in port appears to be a BCN port and I am wondering if anyone can a)
>recommend the cable that would be best for sending a pulse down and b) the
>code for sending an on/off pulse.

Did you by any chance mean a "BNC" port?  If so, the next question is 
whether that takes a standard TTL (0V to 5V) pulse.  And if that is 
so I would look into sending the pulse out the parallel (lpt) port, 
after making a custom lpt-to-BNC cable.  At the lpt end of the cable 
(a DB-25 female) I would use pin 18 for signal ground, and pin 2 for 
data.  You would have to figure out the lpt port # on your computer, 
typically is uses &H378 for the data.  In that case you might use code like

' I hate "magic" numbers, so make constants instead:
Const  lptDataPort as Integer = &H378
Const  pulseDur as Integer = 20  ' ms
WritePort lptDataPort, 1  ' turn on pulse
Sleep pulseDur
WritePort lptDataPort, 0  ' turn off pulse

or, if you want to hedge your bets, turn on *all* the bits above with

WritePort lptDataPort, &HFF  ' turn on pulse

And if you search around the list archives or the PST Forum you can 
probably find more instructions on this.

Alternatively, if you have a SRBox and an expansion kit (or can make 
your own expansion cable), then you can send the pulses through that.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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