loading external files into Lists - examples or potential solutions?

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at msu.edu
Tue Mar 3 17:15:52 UTC 2009

BTW, this is easier to figure out in good old EP1.  In EP1, using the 
default "Embedded" load method on a sample List, you could just 
scroll to the bottom of the generated script and see what the 
external file had to look like, and you could even copy & paste that 
into an external text file as a starting point.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

At 3/3/2009 11:47 AM Tuesday, Greg Osenbach wrote:
>Oh, and as a side note, I also added in a List1.Reset as well.
>Best of luck,
>On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Greg Osenbach 
><<mailto:gosenbach at gmail.com>gosenbach at gmail.com> wrote:
>I have been doing this with Tab Delineated Text Files (v.s. .CSV) 
>and it has been working fine for me.  There is an example in the 
>E-Basic help file under the Factor.Load Method.
>Factor.Load (method)
>Loads the attribute and level data into the Factor object.
>Factor.Load applies only when Factor.LoadMethod = 
>ebLoadMethodEmbedded or ebLoadMethodFile
>'This example sets the List to be loaded from the file,
>'and identifies the text file to be used.
>List1.LoadMethod = ebLoadMethodFile
>List1.Filename = "MyTextFile.txt"
>'Note: To run this example in E-BasicExample.es, copy the
>'script above and paste it into the Setup InLine object.
>'Create MyTextFile.txt as a tab-delimited text file containing
>'attribute header information in the working directory.
>Good Luck,
>On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:41 AM, TN 
><<mailto:tnsaffell at gmail.com>tnsaffell at gmail.com> wrote:
>I was wondering if anybody had an example or could please point me to
>an example of an E-Prime (v2 preferably) program which loads external
>files into List.
>For my program, we are trying to load different variable values for
>various variable.   I have found where you tell Eprime to load the
>file (in List, go to "Property Page," General Tab) but I cannot seem
>to create a file that will load.  I tried a .xml and a .csv - both
>created by excel.  I don't think EprimV2 likes .csv and the .xml file
>had errors.  I put in the necessary Column headers (weight, nested,
>procedure) but it errored on the "Procedure" column.  It claimed my
>Procedure name was not valid, even though I could see that particular
>Trial Procedure directly under the List in the program.  I'm not
>limited to using .xml or .csv files - that's just where my previous
>research lead me.
>I am stuck, have looked through some online examples, EPrime's support
>forum and have glanced through the manuals but haven't found any
>solutions.  I would be grateful for any help or examples.

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