combining 3 eprime files into 1 file - or a work around???

liwenna liwenna at
Wed Oct 28 11:47:05 UTC 2009

Whereas I am also curious to PST's response, I'd also like to point to
an effort within this group to make a script that automatically opens
and fills in startup info. The whole process can be found in this

I am actually using the script now in a project and with some
additional tweaks added after the end of above thread it works out
just fine.
- tweaking the script to one's own needs will be a bit of a hassle at
first, but autoit's coding really isn't much harder than e-prime's
- the sleep parameters should be sufficiently slow (I use 500 and 1000
ms), in order to not make the script run faster than the computer runs
(resulting in chaos). My testcomputer, for instance, switches between
screens when e-run initiates, which costs a bit of time.
- when everything is tweaked ok, autoit provides a litle program that
morphs your .au3 file into an 'real' .exe file, with a customized icon
and all that.... just neat.
- the only thing left is that your subjects do need to be instructed
to simply not touch any buttons while the program is switching between
tasks (and filling out the start-up parameters). Goes well with my
subjects so far.

- I use the script for questionnaire's and did not have a thorough
look into  it's effect on timing, I 'd advise to not use it for any
critical timing tasks.

Best regards,


On Oct 27, 11:08 pm, David McFarlane <mcfar... at> wrote:
> Anson,
> Sorry to do this to you, but I really am curious to know PST Web
> Support's take on this, and for all I know they have a better answer
> than mine.  So please go to PST Web Support, post their full answer
> back here on the E-Prime List, and if they left anything out then I
> will add my own comments.  Thanks.
> OK, it's way past 5p here in Michigan and I really do have to bike home now...
> At 10/27/2009 05:50 PM Tuesday, you wrote:
> >Thanks guys.  David, I have seen your other posts over the years when
> >searching for solutions to other problems and I have always
> >appreciated them.  Do you mind directing me to one of those previous
> >discussions?  I did look before posting my question but I don't think
> >I was using the key-words.  I will also post this on the official
> >website.  Thanks! A
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