Parallel port communication - need help

Shivani R shivani.shivipr at
Wed Feb 3 06:33:50 UTC 2010


I am designing an experiment using E Prime. In this experiment an
image comes up on the screen, the subject has to make a decision if
the image was a target or distractor. I need to send a trigger at the
instant when the picture comes up on the screen. Also I need to send a
trigger to say if it was a target or distractor image. I have been
trying to do this but not getting it the way I want. The trigger is
coming at the instant the fixation comes up on the screen whereas I
want the trigger at the instant the picture comes up on the screen. I
read some previous posts on the same topic and tried putting my logic
in the same way but to no use.

Right now I am using the following code:

"Fixation" is the object which displays the fixation and "Stimulus" is
the object which displays the picture. I have two parallel ports
avaialble in my PC - &H378 and &HCCE0. In the TrialList I have an
attribute named as "Type" which tells if the image is a target or

Inline1 is as follows:

Stimulus.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
Stimulus.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
Stimulus.OnsetSignalData = &H01

Inline2 is as follows:

If c.GetAttrib("Type") = Target Then
WritePort &HCCE0, 1
ElseIf c.GetAttrib("Type") = Distractor Then
WritePort &HCCE0, 2
End If

The main problem I am facing is regarding the position of the inline
script. Right now I have placed the Inline1 just before the Stimulus
object and Inline2 just after the Stimulus object. Please let me know
where I am going wrong in the placement of the  inline script. Any
help is really appreciated.


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